Trellys Fishing Report

Inner Harbour
The Geelong Inner harbour this week still offered some great land based action this week with some impressive snapper being reported. North Shore, St Helens, Wangim Walk and Lineburners all producing the goods. Most anglers are reporting fish around the 1kg mark however to the patient ones there are fish to 6kg cruising about. The outer Harbour is still offering some great King George Whiting fishing around the Curlewis bank with reports still coming in thick. Some fish have been getting up to over 40cm with the average size around the low 30’s which are still fantastic fish for the bay. Fishing the strong tides with quality baits like fresh Squid or Pipis will put you in for the best chance at success. Bit of burley goes a long way too and doesn’t have to be fancy, just as simple as cut Pilchards in a cage on the bottom would be perfect.
Bellarine Peninsula
St Leonards through to Queenscliff is still fishing very well for Calamari and Whiting. The whiting are fishing the best up towards St Leonards and the calamari are a little more spread out. Swan Bay and the Queenscliff Bight are both proving to be great locations to fish with great numbers of squid coming through. Although not massive in size they sure make up for it in numbers, there just seems to be heaps on the go at the moment there.
Offshore fishing this week has been quite productive to those out chasing a snapper with some solid numbers out there along the 50 metre line. Either drifting or on anchor have both been producing fish to 4kg in weight. Also a great chance at a Gummy Shark at the moment with plenty being reported whilst chasing the snapper.
Barwon estuary
The Barwon Estuary is still offering some quality all round fishing as of late with Silver Trevally, Salmon, Estuary Perch and Tailor all cruising about. Soft Plastics have been working best when chasing them, in particular small paddle tail or curl tail profiles.
The Barwon River has had some good Carp reports this week with the extra rain with some nice fish being pulled from the local drain areas. Light running sinker rigs with Corn Kernels for bait are working a treat.
Goulburn River
The Goulburn River in Shepparton is starting to drop which hopefully means we get some better fishing conditions in the weeks leading into November. Once the water drops it usually takes a week or so to settle into a good water clarity and that should see the fishing really take off.
But in the mean time we can still target Yellowbelly on the edges. Just like previous weeks with the higher water the best way to fish is with square bills on the flooded banks. These lures roll over the shallow snags and up the floods grassy banks great. They are a pretty simple lure to use with the slow roll with the odd pause the best way to fish them. Carp have been caught also in the shallows with worms working great either floated or just unweighted drifting in the calmer water pockets. Upstream towards Eildon we continue to get reports of some big river trout being caught with the Diawa Silver Creek spinners and small Rapala divers working well. Floating scrub worms and powerbaits has also been a great way to chase trout in the Goulburn with plenty of decent fish caught by those bait fishing.
Shepparton Lake
The spring time bite is here at the Shepparton Lake with plenty of reports from those fishing at the lake over the school holidays. Trout are still biting early morning or just on dark with 2inch easy shiners working well alongside the strike tiger soft plastics. Small divers have worked well for those chasing Redfin with some nice sized Redfin reported lately. Out deeper those fishing from kayaks have been catching legal sized Yellowbelly on Tn60 jackals in both the Peacock & BrownDog colours. The odd silver perch and Redfin have been caught recently around the grass hill on worms and night crawlers. Floating yabbies out deeper has also been a great way to chase Yellowbelly and Redfin but you need to make sure your yabby sites just above the weed not deep in it.
Irrigation Channels
The channels are on fire with a heap of Yellowbelly being caught lately. Beetle spin rigged black gulps on a 7gr Bassman jig head have been a very popular lure to chase Yellowbelly on the bridge pylons with some good fish being caught both on the drop or on the slow roll. Small chatterbaits have worked well on the flowing water downstream of drop bars with the fish feeding in the turbulent water. You can also fish this area with scrub worms by drifting them down the channel in the flow as the fish are very active in these areas. If you can find some weed, we would suggest to throw a jerk-bait or a bent minnow around that area as there has been some big Redfin caught up shallow around the weed.
Lake Nillahcootie
With the weather warming up we are now seeing more and more reports from lake Nillahcootie.
Yellowbelly are holding on structure with some local fisherman over that way targeting stand up timber, submerged timber or even rocky points with ZX40s or black gulps worked super slow. Trolling small old mates has also been a great way to chase both Yellowbelly and Redfin with the stretch out the front of the boat ramp being a great area to troll. Small soft plastics and jackal chubbies thrown at the edges in the mornings has also been a great way to chase Redfin with some super active fish holding in the shallows in the mornings. Bait fishing off the bank with small yabbies has worked for those chasing Yellowbelly with plenty of Redfin and carp being caught on worms.
Lake Eppalock
Lake Eppalock is still trying to pick up. With inconsistent weather still plaguing the area, water temps are still relatively low, however are on the rise. Fish should start to push shallower in coming weeks and sit around areas holding more heat. Rocky points and areas of heavy timber will be the best spots to try to get onto some yellas.
Jigging small plastics are always a good option this time of year, with often good numbers of yellas sitting around upright timber. Other good options for enticing a fish include some of the profishent Aura vibes or jackall TN50 – 70. The reddies are quiet but have started to pick up over the past couple of weeks. Some fish have started to push up shallower and around rockier drop-offs. Trolling small hardbodies such as 50mm codgers will provide you with a good opportunity at finding the schools of feeding reddies. Casting these schools with soft plastics and vibes has also proved effective. Small to medium blades are also good at searching deeper water. Small yabbies and worms will also work a treat dropping them over the schools. As lake Eppalock is open year round for cod fishing, it is a good opportunity to keep some bigger gear in the boat and cast the banks or troll deeper and with bigger lures for the chance at a chunky cod.
Campaspe river
Reports of some good yellas being caught on small hardbodies. The profishent chainsaw in 60mm size has produced some good fish around the 45cm and bigger mark. Casting the heavy structure and deeper pools has produced the best chance at getting onto a good yella.
Cairn Curran
Some good reports coming from the lake in the past week with the smaller yellas starting to pick up. Although nothing on lures, bait has been quite effective. Scrub worms and yabbies are definitely proving the best baits. Dropping baits around upright trees and rocky banks will be the choice of locations.
Loddon River
The better weather last week has produced some better yellas.
Lannecoorie – below the wall
Some better numbers of yellowbelly have been caught in the past week. The majority of fish have come on bait, such as scrubbies or small yabbies. Despite the majority of fish being caught on bait the odd yella has been caught on small hardbodies and vibes.
The yellas are starting to pick up. Again, some more numbers of fish have been caught casting lures, especially vibes. Casting the timber and around the bridge will give you a good chance of getting onto some fish. Bait is also a good option for getting numbers of fish. Using scrubbies and small yabbies is the choice of baits.
Although you are in with a good chance at getting a fish, the numbers of yellas have still been low and few and far between when trying to get multiple fish. Again, the smaller floating hardbodies will give you the best chance at getting a fish. Bait is also a good option, with scrubbies and small yabbies again being the choice of baits.
Bendigo family fishing lakes
Caruso Res
Fishing the rock wall will be the choice of spots, with spinners and plastics being the best lures for getting onto a reddie or trout. Bait fishing for trout and reddies is a good choice for getting the whole family involved, using euro worms or powerbait will give you a good chance at a fish.
Lake Neanger
Some reports of good yellas being caught, with good fish coming on both lures and bait. Blades and plastics are proving effective on a slow roll. Again, small worms have been effective in picking up the odd yella and silver perch.
Lake Weeroona
Carp have been very prolific on bread with a small sinker. These are great fun for all ages, as they put up a good fight on light gear. The odd reddie has been caught on small plastics and spinners over the creek side of the lake as well.