Trelly's Fishing Report

Corio Bay
Inside Corio Bay anglers found shelter from winds and large numbers of pinkie snapper. Fishing along structure in deep water and allowing soft plastics to sink to the bottom anglers boated pinkie snapper to 50cm. Over at the spoil grounds near Limeburners those drifting again with soft plastics snapped up pinkie snapper and flathead to around 45cm with the key to success making sure your plastic bumps the bottom. Anglers did note that the odd pike was taken over the spoil grounds. Around the corner Alcoa Pier fired up for Australian salmon that were keen on slow trolled lures.
Clifton Springs
Clifton Springs sprung into action with snapper moving up and down the Point Richards channel. From all reports the snapper seem to switch on around one hour either side of the tide change and have taken a liking to lightly weighted pilchards. Fish to 6kg are not uncommon but patience is still needed as the water temperature has yet to reach the optimal level. Allan Brow & Greg Mckinnon had a excellent session Monday boating one snapper each. Greg’s snapper went 6.1kg and Allan’s 5.2kg.

Over at Portarlington the new harbour continues to provide land based anglers with excellent opportunities. Numerous pinkies all keen to snap up soft plastics and blue bait.
St Leoanrds
St Leonards is fishing very well at present for King George whiting with Bourke St though to the Sub near Swan Bay producing fish to 40cm with pippie and squid working well. Make sure you have some tidal flow as this seems to fire up the whiting. Landbased from St Leonards pier squid kept anglers entertained casting size three artificial jigs around the lights at night. The Swan Bay channel saw the odd gummy taken by those fishing the run in tide at night with fresh squid as bait.
Queenscliff was the home of monster squid last week with anglers fishing deep in the bight pulling fish to almost 2kg. On the grass beds to the East of the harbour whiting are dominating captures of an evening with the average size slightly bigger than St Leonards but at times the whiting are more finicky. Again pippie worked well on a running sinker rig with enough lead to hold bottom on a strong tide.

Barwon Estuary
The Barwon Estuary was a hot spot for a mixed bag with salmon, trevally, mullet and whiting all on the chew in the lower reaches.
Western District Lakes
Freshwater anglers headed west to Lake Bolac, Deep Lake and Toolirook. All these shallow western district lakes are producing outstanding quality trout with both brown and rainbows to over 2kg on a variety of tactics. Bait anglers found power bait the best when seeking rainbow trout. Casting daiwa double clutch 65 were ideal from lake margins with both species keen, they also double up as a ideal trolling lure. Most anglers found it hard to go past the tried and tested Tassie devil with white or pink colour patterns working a treat trolled at around 3ks a hour.
Stony Creek
Closer to home Stony Creek is still seeing plenty of smaller brown trout to just on 1kg hit lure and fly. The odd redfin has also been a welcome by catch.
Out of Town
Darryl and his mate Tom traveled over to NZ and fished the South Island Tekapo, Twizel, Ohau, and Pukaki where they caught and released 31 trout over the 10lb mark plus numerous smaller models. The highlight of Darryl's trip was landing a monster of a rainbow trout of an outstanding 42lb.

Goulburn River
A few Trout being caught just below Lake Eildon, Trolling Pink or Tequila Sunrise Tassie Devils or Worms behind a Ford Fender or Cowbell the best method. Good news is that as you get closer to Seymour, the River has settled, still a little dirty, but fishable and there is some trout on Rooster Tails Spinners and Tassie Devils around the township (Goulburn Park). Haven’t had any reports from the Seymour to Nagambie area, but Nagambie Lake would be well worth a go for Redfin and Yellowbelly. Below the Goulburn Weir, Murchison to Shepparton looks good, River has dropped, still dirty, but the Yellowbelly have started to go, bait fishing is the preferred method while the River is dirty, worms and small yabbies if you can get them are working well. The River will clear over the next week or so and then Spinnerbaits and Medium Sized Hardbodies such as Size 2 Stumpjumpers will start to work well also.
The Main Eastern Channel behind Wahring Station and the Catternach Channels on the Kirwans Bridge/Murchison Road are still fishing really well, plenty of Redfin and Yellowbelly on Jackal T/N 60’s and 3-4inch Plastic Grubs, Gold, Black, and White with Red Tail the best, you are also in with a chance of a Salmon as well. Blair Munro got hammered there on Saturday by a monster Cod? He had a Bassman Beattlespin attached to his Jighead which is now attached to the fish! The Catternach channel all the way to Waranga Basin is fishing well for Redfin and Yellowbelly using the same methods. The Stuart Murray Channel towards Tatura side of Waranga Basin is fishing well also, Punt Road area is producing some nice Yellowbelly. Still plenty of small Redfin at Waranga Basin trolling deep diving Hardbodies and Bobbing plastics, Ice jigs and Worms working well once the schools have been found, try 18-20ft of water out from the Yacht Club. The 2 main outlet channels along Tatura/Rushworth road are fishing well for Redfin and Yellowbelly on Jackal T/N 60’s and metal Vibes.
Blair Munro (pic) caught some nice Yellowbelly in the Main Eastern Channel on the Shepparton/Euro Road on 3 inch gold grub Plastics, Bassman Jig Head with his last Bettlespin attached to the Jig head. The Victoria Lake is fishing really well, Kayak and boat fisho’s are doing the best with lures as they can get away from the weed around the banks, Black/Gold TD Minnows and Rooster Tail Spinners working well, in saying that I (Shane) caught a nice 35cm Redfin from the bank, before work first cast using a White/Pink Paul Nicel Pimple a couple of days ago. Powerbait under a float from the Western parts of the lake are producing some nice Rainbow Trout. A few nice Yellowbelly on Jackal T/N 60’s in Kialla Lakes. Graigmuir Lake in Mooroopna producing Redfin on small whiting Poppers and Size 3 Stumpjumpers, fly would be worth a go and a bit of fun!

Out Of Town
Jack, Billy and Mark from Kyabram had a Cracker Trip last week at Lake Windermere, this is what they had to say, We got to Windamere dam on the Friday afternoon and for the first 5 days the weather was prime, slight afternoon breeze, warm sunny days and nice cool mornings, everything needed for big fish to bite. The first half of the trip consisted of every fish over 55cm and sometimes over 10 fish per day, per angler.. The second half the weather changed which seemed to push the bigger fish away and the smaller fish into the prime rocky edges. Despite the massive boat traffic we landed a large amount of quality sized golden perch, the biggest being 61cm (close to 14lb) and even some catfish by-catches.